Everything You Need To Know About How to Geocache

Everything You Need To Know About How to Geocache

4 min read
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Are you looking for a great way to get outside and explore this weekend? We think you should try Geocaching. It’s an easy outdoor activity that is accessible to anyone with a smartphone. Geocaching is an exciting activity for all ages, and can be enjoyed alone or in groups.

What Is Geocaching?

Geocaching is a real-world outdoor treasure hunt in which participants use GPS-enabled devices to seek out hidden caches. Inside each cache container are treasures like coins or small trinkets. The first cache was hidden in 2000, and now there are over 3 million active geocaches worldwide. That’s a lot of treasure to find.

woman geocaching

Getting Started With Geocaching

Before you start your first geocaching adventure, it’s important to become familiar with the rules and guidelines of geocaching. You can then sign up for a free account on Geocaching.com or a paid subscription for advanced features. Once you have an account, you’ll be able to access the global database of listed locations and coordinates of hidden caches from around the world. Use your GPS device or Geocaching app to track down nearby caches and enjoy the thrill of the hunt!

What Is a Cache?

A cache is the hidden treasure you’re looking for. It could be anything from a tiny match box to a massive treasure chest. And there is always something good inside. Most have a log book for you to sign, so don’t forget your pencil.

geocache container

What Is This Stuff In The Cache?

Some caches have swag (stuff we all get) in them. The swag rule is if you are going to take something from a cache, leave an item of equal or greater value. Great things to carry with you for swag-swaps include key chains, patches and small toys.

What Is a Trackable?

Some caches have items called trackables in them. These items have a unique tracking number engraved on them and move from geocache to geocache. If you don’t know how they work yet, leave them for the next explorer.

Are There Different Types of Caches?

There are Traditional Geocaches, Multi-Caches, Earth Caches, Mystery Caches, Puzzle Caches, just to name a few.

cache container

Why Should I Go Geocaching?

It’s a great way to get active and get outside. It can be a fun way to explore the places you visit. You can even go Geocaching in your own neighborhood. It can be done solo, with the family, or for date night. Plus, you’ll totally feel like Lara Croft looking for ancient treasure.

cache container

How Do I Get Started?

The first thing you need to do is download the official Geocaching app and create an account.

  • Using the app, explore the map to find a cache nearby.
  • Pick a cache to try and find.
  • Use the navigate button to get you set in the right direction.
  • When you find the cache, celebrate how awesome you are.
  • Sign the cache log book.
  • When you’re done, put the cache back just as you found it for the next explorer.
  • Share your adventure by logging the cache in the app.

woman geocaching

What Is The Geocacher’s Creed?

Quoted from geocaching.com

When placing or seeking geocaches, I will:

  • Not endanger myself or others.
  • Observe all laws & rules of the area.
  • Respect property rights and seek permission where appropriate.
  • Avoid causing disruptions or public alarm.
  • Minimize my and others’ impact on the environment.
  • Be considerate of others.
  • Protect the integrity of the game pieces.

And that’s really all you need to know to get started. We hope that you get outside and give Geocaching a try.

Want to know more?

Check out the official Geocaching.com website

Visit the Geocaching Help Center

Glossary of Geocaching Terms & Acronyms

Download the Geocaching Fact Sheet.

FYI: The Outdoor Girl is in no way associated with Geocaching.com. We just love how much fun Geocaching is and we think everyone should try it!